Are you investigating which R&D supports are available?

It provides support to academics, researchers, institutions/organizations, firms, and entrepreneurs in determining, scanning, and receiving national and international funds.

Do you have an invention?

It informs academicians, industrialists, and researchers about protecting intellectual and industrial property rights. It provides support for the protection, care, and monitoring of rights related to patents, helpful models, and industrial design.

Do you want to commercialize project outputs?

It provides support for the commercialization of innovative products resulting from R&D practices, for start-ups and scale-up entrepreneurs to enter the market and to identify their shortcomings in the global market.

Do you have a business idea?

It provides support for the dissemination of entrepreneurship culture and for academicians and students to establish start-up and spin-off companies.

Would you like to license the technologies developed at Akdeniz University?

It provides support for the licensing and commercialization of technologies developed at Akdeniz University with academics and researchers.