KOSGEB Support R&D, Innovation and Industrial Application Support Program


  • To develop SMEs and entrepreneurs with new ideas and inventions based on science and technology,
  • To support techno-entrepreneurs with technological ideas,
  • To increase R&D awareness and R&D capacity in SMEs, To improve existing R&D supports,
  • To support innovative activities,
  • Commercialization of R&D and Innovation project results and the need for support mechanisms for the industrial application.

Who Can Benefit

  • SMEs and entrepreneurs

Program Benefits Condition, Application, and Evaluation

  • It is essential that businesses and entrepreneurs make a project application to the relevant KOSGEB Unit to benefit from the Program and that the companies applying for projects are registered in the KOSGEB Database.
  • The project application is subject to review regarding information, document, and form and submitted to the board for evaluation.
  • As a result of the evaluation made by the board, the project can be accepted, rejected, or requested to be corrected.
  • Against the board's decision on the rejection, an objection can be made for 1 (one) time within 15 (fifteen) days from the learning date.
  • The evaluation results are reported to the business or the entrepreneur.
  • The entrepreneur whose project is accepted registers to the KOSGEB Database after establishing his business.
  • A commitment is taken from the business whose project is accepted. The date on which the undertaking is registered in the relevant KOSGEB Unit is accepted as the project's start date.

Support Period, Support Rate, Project Duration

Minimum 12 (twelve), maximum 24 (twenty-four) months for the R&D and Innovation Program. Maximum 18 (eighteen) months for Industrial Application Program. For both programs, the Board decision may grant an additional period of up to 12 (twelve) months.

Application Dates

The application date is not specified. Free application.

For detailed information about the program, click here.